SurfaceMaxx is the market leader in pressure washer accessories. SurfaceMaxx has a full assortment of products – surface cleaners, spray guns, extensions wands, spray tips, nozzles, fittings, and hoses – that can tackle any light or heavy-duty cleaning project. While SurfaceMaxx delivers professional results, every item is very easy to setup and use. SurfaceMaxx products are compatible with all electric and gas pressure washer brands. They also include an industry-leading warranty and best-in-class customer support after purchase. So, the next time you look at your house, driveway, patio, or car and say, “how in the world am I going to get this clean” Go to your local store and get pro performance and a powerful clean with SurfaceMaxx.
25-degree spray tip is an ideal replacement for OEM spray tips
A standard nozzle that provides a thorough clean for most surfaces
Use on grills, driveways, concrete or brick driveways, unpainted brick or stucco
3.0 nozzle size
Works with gas and electric pressure washers from 1600-4500 PSI
Connects easily to standard 1/4-in quick-connect coupler